I don't know what to blog about first?!?!?? Today was awesome! We went to Oxford University's Bodleian Library. Named for Sir Thomas Bodley who donated (in books) all of his wife's money and most of his own to form the current collection of what is now Oxford University's Library; a total sum of 20,000 pounds in the year 1610. He also took steps to ensure that the library collection would continue to grow; he did this by contacting a London printing press and striking a deal with them to give a free copy of every item they print (newspaper, magazine, book, etc.) to the library, in exchange the library would never get rid of anything given to them and if need be the item could be referenced to be reprinted (if something happened to the original volume, they could copy/replicate from the other original that is given to the library). To this day, the library still receives one free copy of every item that is printed in the entire UK (something like 1500 books every week, not including newspapers, serials, etc.); the books come in every Wednesday and must be processed and shelved by the following Wednesday when they receive the next batch. The library measures it's collection growth in miles/year (it grows 2 miles each year)!!!!
I could go on, but I will wrap up by saying that one difference of this library is that no book may ever leave the library; books are borrowed to be read in the reading rooms of the library and may not be taken out by anyone, not even the King (King Charles I did ask one time, but even he was told no). If you want to "borrow" a book, the patron puts in a computer request which takes up to 3 hours, then the book must be read in one of the reading rooms, it cannot be taken out of the library. I did see the archives/stacks of books and wow - they also have a complete underground book mover that goes between the several buildings (so cool) even under the street. No pictures are allowed inside the library.
I think I'm up to the 1500 books/week processing challenge! With Destiny it's easy. What an awesome factoid.